• 概述
著名导演卢卡·贝里诺,西尔维亚·卢齐执导的新片《火山口》将在2017上映,由莎伦·卡罗西亚,Rosario Caroccia,Tina Amariutei,Assunta Arcella,Imma Benvenuto,Eros Caroccia,Mariaelianna Caroccia,Rosario Junior Caroccia,Rosario Petrone,Davide Russo,Genny Valentino等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《火山口》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Rosario works as a street seller on the fairgrounds of the suburbs of Naples. His dream to escape poverty latches onto the musical talent of his daughter Sharon. He turns into an impresario to make her a star of the Italian folk music.