• 概述
著名导演Dan Rees,Andrew Murray执导的新片《我们的星球和海洋》将在2015上映,由Cillian Murphy等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《我们的星球和海洋》是一部纪录片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 我们的星球和海洋

这个3x60地标系列揭示了大西洋的奥秘 - 从北极到南极,深渊的深渊到阳光普照的热带珊瑚礁。这个系列将揭示大西洋的惊人的,令人惊讶和有活力的居民,动物和人,因为他们陷入世界上最疯狂的海洋。

  This 3x60 landmark series reveals the mysteries of the Atlantic Ocean - from the Arctic to the Antarctic, the crushing depths of the abyss to the sun drenched tropical reef. This series will reveal the amazing, surprising and resilient inhabitants of the Atlantic, both animals and people, as they pit themselves against the world’s wildest ocean.

  Each episode unveils the natural forces that underpin life in the Atlantic, from the world’s most powerful currents, ferocious hurricanes and huge chains of undersea volcanoes making this dynamic ocean rich in life.
  The first programme follows the extraordinary Gulf Stream, a massive ocean current travelling thousands of miles across the North Atlantic; the second programme, From Heaven To Hell, follows a year in the life of the tropical Atlantic, where everything from dolphins to manatees, whale sharks to sun-bathing jellyfish thrive in the Caribbean’s warm, sheltered waters.
  The final programme travels to the vast South Atlantic where huge pods of dolphins, massive penguin colonies and the largest gathering of marine mammals on Earth gather, because of powerful volcanic forces.