• 概述
著名导演Michael Paul Girard执导的新片《火星来的性欲机器》将在1989上映,由Dick Monda ....Vernon,Billybob Rhoads ... Tom,Bill Monsour ....William Monsour等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《火星来的性欲机器》是一部喜剧片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 Aliens return to earth after 10 million years to see what has become of the human experiment they have created only to be disappointed by what they find. After landing they come upon Vernon a homeless bum and decide that earthlings are untidy and figure crossing a vacuum and a human will elimate the problem as well as create a better race of beings. The experiment however goes awry after one of the aliens pee in Vernon's bottle of gin which makes him insanely in love with the vacuum Dusty which was brought to life by the aliens. Things get a tad bit crazy from here as Dusty tries to reproduce and Vernon tries hard to find Dusty.
Tiny Martians use Earth as a laboratory to try out new life forms. They return after ten million years only to find that the human experiment is a complete failure. They decide to mate a human with a vacuum cleaner to create a species that will be better at cleaning up after itself. But a programming error by a drunken Martian sends the oversexed cleaner on a wild rampage of rape, murder and overall bad manners.

  Aliens return to earth after 10 million years to see what has become of the human experiment they have created only to be disappointed by what they find. After landing they come upon Vernon a homeless bum and decide that earthlings are untidy and figure crossing a vacuum and a human will elimate the problem as well as create a better race of beings. The experiment however goes ...