• 概述
  • 穆加贝和非洲的白人

  • 演员:未录入
  • 导演:Lucy Bailey Andrew Thompson
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:2009年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2015-02-10
著名导演Lucy Bailey,Andrew Thompson执导的新片《穆加贝和非洲的白人》将在2009上映,《穆加贝和非洲的白人》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 An intimate and moving account of one family’s extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming injustice and brutality
In 2008 Mike Campbell – one of the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe to have held fast in the face of the violent ‘Land Reform’ programme – took the unprecedented step of challenging President Robert Mugabe before the SADC International Court (SADC - South African Development Community) to defend his farm, which is also home to 500 black workers and their families, and to charge Mugabe and his government with racial discrimination and with violations of Human Rights.
This film, much of it shot covertly, follows the traumatic ordeal of Mike, his son in law Ben and their family as they take on a man who has brought death to thousands.

  An intimate and moving account of one family’s extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming injustice and brutality   In 2008 Mike Campbell – one of the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe to have held fast in the face of the violent ‘Land Reform’ programme – took the unprecedented step of challenging President Robert Mugabe before the SADC International Court (SADC - So...