• 概述
著名导演藤井謙二郎执导的新片《粉红丝带》将在2004上映,由若松孝二,高橋伴明,渡辺護,黒沢清,田尻裕司,女池充,井筒和幸,池島ゆたか,吉行由実,足立正生,林田義行,森章等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《粉红丝带》是一部纪录片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Documentary filmmaker Kenjiro Fujii takes a look at the history of a distinctly Japanese brand of softcore pornography in this extensive examination of the pinku eiga genre (ピンク映画 Pinku eiga or Pinkeiga). For more than 40 years, so-called pink films have served as both a key source of revenue for the Japanese film industry as well as a launching pad for the careers of such mainstream filmmakers as Kiyoshi Kurosawa. After providing a detailed history of the still-profitable and popular genre through interviews with a variety of behind-the-scenes players and clips from such classic pink films as Fish Bait Boobies, director Fujii shifts his focus to the production of an upcoming pink film to offer a glimpse into the creative and stylistic evolution of the genre.


  Documentary filmmaker Kenjiro Fujii takes a look at the history of a distinctly Japanese brand of softcore pornography in this extensive examination of the pinku eiga genre (ピンク映画 Pinku eiga or Pinkeiga). For more than 40 years so-called pink films have served as both a key source of revenue for the Japanese film industry as well as a launching pad for the careers of such ...



粉红电影发展简史及现状介绍,话说看到做字幕豆友深情加上的纪念词——緬懷粉紅電影的兩座巨峰若松孝二(1936.04.01 - 2012.10.17) 渡邊護 1931.03.19 - 2013.12.24),泪水在瞬间狂飙得一塌糊涂。。。【8】