• 概述
著名导演Leopoldo Torre Nilsson执导的新片《落入陷阱》将在1961上映,由Leonardo Favio,María Rosa Gallo,Elsa Daniel等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《落入陷阱》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   阿根廷新浪潮电影大师托雷尼尔逊最好的作品之一,1961年嘎纳国际电影节费比西奖,60年代最重要的阿根廷新电影之一,喜欢Jean Cocteau或者Georges Franju的应该会同样喜欢这部影片吧。 Leopoldo Torre Nilsson was probably the best film director in Argentina. He was a man with a vision. He was the one that elevated the local cinema and put it on the map in the late 50s and early 60s. He almost always worked on screen plays based on his wife, Beatriz Guido's novels, as is the case here. This gothic tale of hidden monsters and well kept secrets among the provincial bourgeoisie had more impact for me the first time I watched it. On second viewing what seemed so eerie before doesn't hold true any more. The husband-and-wife team of Beatriz Guido and Leopoldo Torre-Nilsson once again write and direct, respectively, to create another drama about the lives of an upper middle-class segment of society. In this engaging story, a young woman, Laura (Elsa Daniel), comes back from boarding school to a home that has seen wealthy days but is now barely managing. She discovers that an aunt has locked herself up in the attic to spend the rest of her life mourning the loss of her one great love, a loss that occurred when the man jilted her on their wedding day. Laura decides to hunt the man down and bring him to meet her aunt, just to save the woman from herself. She succeeds in tracking him, and convinces him to visit her aunt, while she herself is very much taken with his charm and stunningly handsome looks. The entire scenario shifts after Laura's original objective is reached.

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  阿根廷新浪潮电影大师托雷尼尔逊最好的作品之一,1961年嘎纳国际电影节费比西奖,60年代最重要的阿根廷新电影之一,喜欢Jean Cocteau或者Georges Franju的应该会同样喜欢这部影片吧。   Leopoldo Torre Nilsson was probably the best film director in Argentina. He was a man with a vision. He was the one that elevated the local cinema and put it on the map in the late 50s and early 60s. He almost always worked on screen plays based on his wife Beatriz Guido's nov...

gothic和femme fatale 对欧美和阿根廷殖民身份的多方面影射体现在服装对话配乐等众多元素里 从laura对父权社会的公然反抗到最后在镜子前看到inés的命运在自己身上再次上演的无奈 女性看似在拒绝 其实在被侵蚀 在某种程度上帮助维持父权制的滋生 很风格化的摄影和配乐 伟大的melodrama作品 不止谈论阶级和性别关系 更探讨种族和拉丁美洲的历史和国际关系


60年代阿根廷电影。莱奥波尔多 托雷 尼尔松。具有欧洲风格的艺术电影。强烈的欧洲格调典型地例证了许多阿根廷艺术家的国际现代主义特质。无资源