• 概述
著名导演Keith English执导的新片《目中已无我》将在2018上映,由谢里丹·史密斯,马克·阿蒂,莎莉·菲利普斯,谢拉·汉考克,艾拉·亨特,乔·布兰德,汤姆·戴维斯,瑞奇·汤林森,托尼·威,克莱夫·曼特尔,Elizabeth Carling,艾什利·泰勒·道森,Nadine Hanwell等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《目中已无我》是一部喜剧片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Based on Jo Brand's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, The More You Ignore Me is a warm, comedy drama focusing on the life of an unconventional family in 1980s rural England. The film focuses on Gina, a young mother, whose efforts to be a loving mother and wife are undermined by her declining mental health. Things deteriorate when she develops an obsession with the local weatherman, which leads to an admission to the nearby psychiatric hospital. Over the years, as she grows up, her daughter Alice struggles to relate to her heavily medicated mum, and causes chaos when she comes up with a plan to reconnect with her, which divides the family forever and leads to a moving climax. Set to the songs of The Smiths, The More You Ignore Me provides a sometimes stark, yet comical insight into life within this quirky household, whilst addressing mental health issues and their impact on the family.

爱情啊 爱情 是什么造就了爱情

天知道下这个电影有多难|Sheridan为啥总是接这种疯疯癫癫不正常的角色…|女鹅Ella Hunt依旧美的挪不开眼。是同名小说改编的,没看过书,但个人觉得叙事稍微有限乱|你无法选择自己的出身和家庭,但是爱可以包容一切。

  based on Jo Brand's critically acclaimed novel of the same name The More You Ignore Me is a warm comedy drama focusing on the life of an unconventional family in 1980s rural England. The film focuses on Gina a young mother whose efforts to be a loving mother and wife are undermined by her declining mental health. Things deteriorate when she develops an obsession with the lo...

因为Jo Brand编剧,所以看了。中规中矩,两星半。情节上什么都讲讲,挺表面的。女主家里的美术不太可信,女主卧室门倒很棒。照明很low,这样的混合色温光源应该是不符合时代的;不过母女俩在体育馆外对话段落的灯是低显色性的,感觉很好。The Smiths燃了。关于调度:女主把回信和门票给男生看时,父亲从两人中央的后景处入画阻止。声音水准虽然不算高,但足以让中国圈子学习了。巧的是,本片跟另一著名喜剧人...