• 概述
著名导演Tom Clegg执导的新片《沙普的军团》将在1996上映,由肖恩·宾,达拉·奥马利等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《沙普的军团》是一部战争片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Sharpe is horrified to be told that his regiment,the South Essex,is to be disbanded and discovers a plot whereby corrupt war minister Fenner and other high ranking militarists auction off soldiers privately,keeping the profits but still claiming on paper that the regiments exist. Having gained the ear of the eccentric Prince of Wales who orders Fenner to give him a new regiment Sharpe is now in danger from Fenner and he and Harper survive an attempt to kill them. Putting it about that they are dead they enlist,using assumed names,in the South Essex,falling foul of vicious Sergeant Lynch and paranoid Colonel Girdwood who abuse the naive young recruits. After Harper is ordered to be shot he and Sharpe escape,helped by Jane Gibbons,whose sadistic,corrupt uncle Simmerson,who also benefits by the auction scam,intends to marry her to Girdwood. Jane knows that her uncle keeps a ledger containing all the illegal transactions,which Sharpe must obtain to bring down the miscreants.

  Sharpe is horrified to be told that his regimentthe South Essexis to be disbanded and discovers a plot whereby corrupt war minister Fenner and other high ranking militarists auction off soldiers privatelykeeping the profits but still claiming on paper that the regiments exist. Having gained the ear of the eccentric Prince of Wales who orders Fenner to give him a new regiment...

这集最好玩 训练的时候大喊大叫的 不知道演的时候会不会笑场 两个女主角都蛮好看的 原来现实中肖恩真的娶了简


I can always have more Sharpe
