• 概述
著名导演Mitch Teemley执导的新片《Notzilla》将在2019上映,由Frederic Eng-Li,Tifani Winkfield,Tim Bensch,Becca Kravitz,Ken Early,Charlie Harper,Michael Wilhelm,Samantha Russell,Spencer Lackey,Michael Bath,Rupert Spraul,Christine Jones,Caleb Dwayne Tucker,Tyler Craig,Jacob Baker,大卫·皮廷格等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《Notzilla》是一部喜剧片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   1962. Yomama Bay. While the Japanese armed forces destroy yet another giant kaiju, a young paleontologist, Prof. Hiro Honda, rescues her offspring, whisking the mysterious red egg off to safety in friendly Cincinnati, Ohio (Ohio means "hello" in Japanese). However, as the jet arrives, he accidentally flushes the egg down the toilet. It disappears into the Ohio River just as a group of physicists, led by the brilliant (or maybe not) Dr. Richard Blowheart, are testing "uber-fission" power at SNUGI, the Secret Nuclear Underground Government Installation 500 stories beneath the city of Cincinnati. Shaken loose by testing, the egg is quickly discovered by Blowheart and his assistant, Dr. Shirley Yujest. The two soon meet Prof. Honda, who tells them that the egg contains a living Notzillasaurus Partiontilldon. The creature will remain small, he explains, as long as it is not exposed to alcohol. But if it is, it will grow hundreds of times larger(naturally) and attack the nearest city.