• 概述
著名导演Dylan Pearce执导的新片《雪地真爱密码(台湾)》将在2015上映,由Jewel Staite,Shawn Roberts,Cindy Busby,Shaun Johnston,Mark Meer等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《雪地真爱密码(台湾)》是一部动作片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   40 Below and Falling tells the story of Kate Carter, a teacher from a small, Northern Canadian town, who is moving back to the big city for her wedding. After quitting her job and packing up her life, Kate feels certain that this is the future she has always wanted - that is until her flight gets cancelled by a blizzard and she meets a surly stranger named Redford. With all road travel being suspended, Kate is forced to hop on the back of Redford's snowmobile and embark on an adventure that will leave her questioning the decision she has made about the man she is set to marry.

IMDB写的英文是A Frosty Affair 。这在台湾翻译为《雪地真爱密码》。一看这雪就知道是加拿大电影


6.0 其实很烂,如果是gay片也是两星水平,但是有个外貌,身材,口音都戳中你G点的角色,你观看这种电影就是无法抑制多巴胺的分泌,人总是得低俗几回

  40 Below and Falling tells the story of Kate Carter a teacher from a small Northern Canadian town who is moving back to the big city for her wedding. After quitting her job and packing up her life Kate feels certain that this is the future she has always wanted - that is until her flight gets cancelled by a blizzard and she meets a surly stranger named Redford. With all roa...