• 概述
  • 我终究无法放下你:当代情绪化历史

  • 演员:未录入
  • 导演:亚当·柯蒂斯
  • 类型:欧美剧
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:2021年
  • 状态:连载至1集   更新时间:2022-07-31
著名导演亚当·柯蒂斯执导的新片《我终究无法放下你:当代情绪化历史》将在2021上映,《我终究无法放下你:当代情绪化历史》是一部欧美剧。琥珀影院提供连载至1集在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   The films trace different forces across the world that have led to now, not just in the West, but in China and Russia as well. It covers a wide range – including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opiods, the history of Artificial Intelligence, melancholy over the loss of empire and, love and power. And explores whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really just part of the new system of power.

哈内克冰川三部曲+戈达尔影像之书,except its the real world we live in and its the real live we live on

创作思路上感觉是根据现有的热点话题(阴谋论、心理学、AI、监视国家...)追本溯源倒推回去做的,也是为什么前期东一枪西一枪但有劲,越看到后来越觉得叙事过于收缩过于算计无法令人满足。其实还是不够 emotional 又或者 not mainly about emotion. 但拿来当科普向的当代史还是灰常好了。


  The films trace different forces across the world that have led to now not just in the West but in China and Russia as well. It covers a wide range – including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories the history of China opium and opiods the history of Artificial Intelligence melancholy over the loss of empire and love and power. And explores whether modern cultu...

Culture revolution配上The Raveonettess还真挺带感的