• 概述
著名导演史蒂夫·迈纳执导的新片《脆皮先生》将在1986上映,由C·托马斯·豪威尔等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《脆皮先生》是一部爱情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   Mark doesn't expect any problems in going to college: he and his friend have reserved places in Harvard and his parents have the money to pay for his education there. But suddenly his father's neurotic psychiatrist advises him to go on vacation in Hawaii instead of spending more money on his son. Since Mark wants to keep his lifestyle, including a fancy car and a flat shared with his friend, he seeks financial support. The only foundation which still accepts applications is for blacks only -- no problem, with lots of bronzing pills and soul in his voice he sets out to Harvard. Soon he has to realize that being black will cause some people to handle him differently.


“If I didn’t like it I can always get out.” 这么个小喜剧把race这件事展示非常完整 观感直逼我大南公

  Mark doesn't expect any problems in going to college: he and his friend have reserved places in Harvard and his parents have the money to pay for his education there. But suddenly his father's neurotic psychiatrist advises him to go on vacation in Hawaii instead of spending more money on his son. Since Mark wants to keep his lifestyle including a fancy car and a flat shared wi...

没太多意思 !
