• 概述
著名导演Carlo Ausino执导的新片《双重游戏》将在1977上映,由George Hilton,Emanuel Cannarsa等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《双重游戏》是一部恐怖片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   unfortunately, the film is just far too boring and less than half the way through, my mind began to wander. The plot is very thin and simple, and we just; as usual, focus on crime in the city, and this time a vigilante that takes the law into his own hands. However, in spite of it being simple; director Carlo Ausino has somehow managed to completely mess the plot up. It's confusing and turgid throughout, and this makes it very difficult to care about anything that's going on. This is not George Hilton's best performance either; and I can't say I blame him for not giving his all. There's very little action, and when the car chases and things do finally make an appearance; they're not well shot and unlikely to wake the sleeping audience. Overall, I'm really quite appalled at how bad this film is, and needless to say I'm not looking forward to Another Double Game.

  unfortunately the film is just far too boring and less than half the way through my mind began to wander. The plot is very thin and simple and we just; as usual focus on crime in the city and this time a vigilante that takes the law into his own hands. However in spite of it being simple; director Carlo Ausino has somehow managed to completely mess the plot up. It's confu...

没有特色 没有重点 没有火爆场面和激烈氛围也没有大阴谋 又窝囊又磨叽 太无聊 白瞎了希尔顿这种性格演员

能把Poliziotteschi拍得这么无聊透顶也是一种本事 摄影出彩