• 概述
著名导演Andrew Jones执导的新片《娃娃罗伯特》将在2015上映,由Lee Bane,Megan Lockhurst,Suzie Frances Garton,Flynn Allen,Cyd Casados,Annie Davies,Judith Haley,Samuel Hutchison,Ryan Michaels等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《娃娃罗伯特》是一部恐怖片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 娃娃罗伯特


  After Paul and Jenny part company with their sinister housekeeper Agatha, the disgruntled former employee gives a vintage doll called Robert to their son Gene. Soon after Agatha's departure, strange events begin plaguing the household. Furniture is vandalized, objects are thrown around and maniacal giggles echo through the house in the middle of the night. But nobody believes Gene when he claims Robert is to blame for the disturbances. Paul and Jenny consider the possibility that a supernatural force has taken over their home. But as the occurrences escalate they discover that it's not the house that's haunted... it's the doll.