• 概述
著名导演Cesare P. Libardi di K.执导的新片《降临湖边》将在2017上映,由Franck Assi,Emma Bown,Silvia Dalia Costa,Gianluca Danieli,Joanna-Leigh Hewitt,Veronica Osimani,Romano Oss,Craig Peritz,Lee Ravitz,Lara Ricotti,Aaron Stielstra,维克多·维奇耶里尼,Phil Zimmerman等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《降临湖边》是一部恐怖片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   A team of satellite technicians enter the woods to repair a communication station but they are forced to rescue the crew of an airplane that crashed near a lake. They quickly realise that something may be coming from the lake that is affecting their minds and the passing of time. As they lose their inhibitions their most primal desires take hold. Lured on by the unseen entity it seems that only one of the team is permitted to bond with it and so be reborn in a new physical body. A terrifying game of strategy not to survive, but rather to die with the promise of life anew.

  A team of satellite technicians enter the woods to repair a communication station but they are forced to rescue the crew of an airplane that crashed near a lake. They quickly realise that something may be coming from the lake that is affecting their minds and the passing of time. As they lose their inhibitions their most primal desires take hold. Lured on by the unseen entity i...